Loaning money is becoming risky in this day and age. There are so many complications that can arise whenever an institution issues a line of credit. In numerous instances, these creditors fail to ever get their money back. They continue to ask for repayment, while some consumers continue to make excuses and false promises.
Instead of calling it a loss, why not turn to an expert for help? Consider hiring Atlantic Recovery Solutions! Our services focus on recovering debts that are past due. We contact your unpaid accounts by phone, in writing and via email. In extreme cases, we may seek legal recourse on behalf of your company. And the method works – collection agencies recoup millions of dollars each year! Atlantic Recovery Solutions is one of the foremost professional, and law-abiding debt recovery agencies in the industry. We are here to help!
Essentially, debt recovery agencies offer a service to businesses that allow creditors to outsource collections to a third party. When accounts become delinquent (in many cases 90 or more days late) creditors may contract with a collection agency to pursue payment. What’s important to note in this scenario is that the collection agencies do not own the debt. The amount owed by the consumer is still owned and controlled by the original creditor. In this situation, the collection agency works as a middleman between the consumer and the creditor. A large majority of collection agencies operate this way, meaning that they are compensated only when they are able to successfully collect on an account.
While there are many reputable collection agencies, some agencies rely on unscrupulous or illegal tactics to collect money. That's something to avoid at all costs, because it reflects poorly on your business. There are strict laws surrounding collections efforts, and our reputable agency is sure to follow them.
Atlantic Recovery Solutions employs a well-trained team of collectors to recover the funds lost by your institution. After all, you have your business to run and dealing with delinquent accounts can be draining on your resources, time, and patience. First and foremost, you can rest assured knowing that Atlantic Recovery Solutions is bonded, insured, licensed, and fully adheres to any state and federal laws. In hiring, we make sure to bring in candidates with the highest level of experience and compliancy. After completing a thorough background screening check, our employees are required to take and pass the FDCPA exam. We continue to administer this test quarterly to everyone who works for our company. When we receive a batch of accounts from our clientele, we first perform a scrub on them to check for things like bankruptcies or other situations that may impact their ability to pay. Once that is complete, we send out a legally required correspondence to notify the consumer that their account has been placed in our office. This notice also gives them the ability to dispute the debt for reasons such as identity theft or in the case of fraudulent purchases. Our staff uses several skiptracing techniques that allow them to locateconsumers who may have left you no forwarding address or telephone number. This is especially important if you’ve been personally contacting your consumer and have been routinely ignored. Through skiptracing, our team can not only track down a consumer, but also conduct searches for their assets, such as business affiliations and lines of credit, to determine their ability to repay. Once we are able to locate the consumer and reach them by telephone or email, we can begin the negotiation process on your behalf. Usually the consumer is presented with a variety of repayment options. These can include structured repayment plans, or settlements on the original balance. We collect payment in many forms, including online, via our website,, as well as securely processing payments over the phone through our reputable payment processors.
Atlantic Recovery Solutions specializes in the recovery of small local retail accounts to aiding in big business restitutions. We have experience collecting on credit cards, medical bills, car loans, personal loans, student loans, and unpaid bills such as utility and phone bills.We have consistently maintained a high rating from the Better Business Bureau as well as remaining active members with the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals (ACA), and the Receivables Management Association International (RMA). Our managers have a combined experience of over 40 years in the industry. Not only do they gain experience on a day to day basis with all the unique cases we come across, but they also stay up to date on all the new trends, laws, and policies this industry puts in place by attending conferences each year with the RMA. While attending these conferences, our management team has made major networking strides and have been able to build long lasting relationships with some of the top tier companies in the debt recovery industry.
Giving back to the community is something very important to our business as well. We often give our support and donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Buffalo as well as sponsoring various local youth sports teams. We are proud to be one of the fastest growing businesses in the area and we take great pride in our city. We hope to continue growing and reflect the positive attributes that our industry has to offer.